"Welcome to the Graham Police Department. Our goal is to serve our community and each individual of this community that we are sworn to protect. We stand with courage to face all situations and offenders that threaten the rights, property, and life of all individuals within Graham, Texas."
Brent Bullock
Chief of Police

How may we serve you today?

To get a copy of your Texas Crash Report please go to https://policereports.lexisnexis.com/

As a nonprofit organization, Crime Stoppers involves the Community, the Media, and Law Enforcement in the fight against crime. Cash rewards up to $1000 are offered to citizens who furnish information leading to the arrest of felony crime offenders or to the capture of felony fugitives. To submit a TIP to Crime Stoppers: https://www.wfcrime.com/

The Graham Police Department has partnered with Lexis Nexis Community Crime Map to help reduce crime and improve public safety. Crime mapping helps the public get a better idea of the crime activity in their area so they can make more informed decisions about how to stay safe.
Community Crime Map goes beyond crime mapping by automatically alerting the public about recent crime activity and by improving communication between the public and law enforcement through anonymous tips. Community Crime Map empowers the public to make better decisions about crime by putting the same technology used by law enforcement to analyze and interpret crime activity into the hands of the public.

Personnel Complaints & Compliments
The Graham Police Department believes in a strong police-community relationship with our community.
The three critical elements to strong relations are:
We know the key to earning trust is creating an open environment where a citizen who believes our personnel has not provided customer service in the manner expected and desired by our community, may file an inquiry with the department that will be responded to timely, fairly and professionally.
Citizens who wish to make an inquiry, offer a compliment/praise, or file a personnel complaint with the Graham Police Department may do so by contacting the Police Administration at 940-549-6441, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. If the citizen believes the inquiry cannot wait until normal business hours may file the inquiry or complaint with any on-duty sworn supervisor.

For additional information about our Services, Visit Divisions
The Graham Police Department is made up into three divisions which include Support Services, Patrol Services and Criminal Investigations.